Friday, May 21, 2010
Freshman Year
This year in English class I learned a great deal. I feel that I have improved in grammar and in writing more affectively. I also think that my sentences have more variety and are more complete. This year my favorite projects were the Research paper and the Sophomore sales brochure. I enjoyed working on these projects because they were about topics that interested me. Enabling me to easily share my thoughts and opinions and help me learn by involving writing and grammar. While in class I liked working with groups even though we would sometimes goof-off. :D Bug over all I really enjoyed English class this year! As well as having Mrs. Schutte as a teacher! : )
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Why are humans so greedy?
While reading the first chapter of "Animal Farm" I learned how a certain animal named Major realizes he must take a stand against his master's "tyranny" and greed. During Major's speech he tells of all the cruelty that is exemplified on the farm. Major states that "nearly the whole of the produce of our labour is stolen from us by human beings". This statement was also made "Remove Man from the scene, and the root cause of hunger and overwork is abolished forever. The last statement reminds me of young and hungry children who worked laborious hours for a couple useless pennies while their boss get so much more. Also, I am reminded of all the revolts against the government caused by slaves that were constantly treated unfairly. People from different countries "barged" in and made the natives compromise their beliefs, pay taxes, speak a different language, and change their life styles in many horrible ways. Then, someone decided to take a stand in order to receive change. I don't know why some people in this world are so greedy and like to take advantage of underprivileged people and make their lives worse than they were. What I do know lis that greed can take power over people's actions which causes many lives to be affected including theirs.
Monday, February 22, 2010
What is power?
Power can be exemplified and defined in many different ways. Some of these ways are authority or leadership, strong confidence, great knowledge, amazing talent, wisdom, addiction, and control. Usually when I think of the word power I picture a great leader or a very strong person but not every person that holds power is necessarily strong. Even though Parents, Educators, Principals, Judges, and Lawyers are all people who hold power but not all of them are strong. To me power is control,leadership, direction, something or someone who determines a final outcome or situation. Yet power can also be the cause of certain situations such as drug addiction. Power is also something that can destroy or make something better. Power is dangerous and sometimes hard to deal with and handle. Therefore, a simple way to say it is like this...power is powerful.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Why are they Runaways?
"One in seven kids between the ages of 10 and 18 will run away at some point. There are 1 million to 3 million runaway and homeless kids living on the streets in the United States." Many people believe children or teenagers run away from home because of anger,rebellion, or for independence; yet the most important factor is abuse. Children or teens are abused physically, sexually, and psychologically. When dealing with such issues at a very young age without help, care, or love, running away is usually the only thing a child knows to do.
While many people think that rebellion, anger, or the desire to be independent is a main factor to running from home, its not the main factor, although some teens do run away because of them. I think that if a teen does run because of rebellion there must have been many causes over a long period of time. Some of these causes are living with extremely strict and pressuring parents that aren't very caring or helpful. Perhaps the parents show favor to another sibling while the other child gets blamed for various reasons. Living with such parents can be very stressful and I think that I could understand why some leave home and if they don't they would probably deal with anger problems, distrust,depression, loneliness or segregating themselves from their family members. As a result of living in such conditions a child or teenager might have a last and only way to get out. Suicide. So instead of dealing with such problems, the best thing they can think of is to escape.
Most of the time "It is generally recognized that children who leave home prematurely often do so as a result of intense family conflict or even physical,sexual,or psychological abuse." Also The percent of endangered run away teens due to physical and sexual abuse at home is 21%. Another important fact that also proves why teens run from home because of abuse is because "One out of four females is sexually abused by the time she reaches the age of eighteen." The young female most likely can't stand living with such fear and decides to escape. As a result running away is usually a sudden decision. Children or teens just feel that staying in an abusive home is not worth it because they'll probably end up pregnant, killed, or they'll kill themselves because of such horrible circumstances."Instead of running to a better life, they're running away from something. Many children feel that if they do not run away they may end up dead."
Due to a horrible life at home, teens and children around the world fear that they'll most likely die if they don't run away from home. Physical and sexual abuse is the main factor to runway teens rather than just escaping because of anger, rebellion, or the desire of independence.
Monday, December 7, 2009
When did Martin Luther declare his intolerance for the Roman Catholic Church?
Martin Luther declared his intolerance for the Roman Catholic Church on Halloween in 1517. He did this by nailing his 95 theses on the door of the Wittenburg church.
Martin Luther was born on November tenth in 1483 to Hans and Margaretha Luder in Eisleben, Germany. Luther was baptized the very next day on the feast of St. Martin of tours, after whom he was named. Martin's father came from peasantry and wanted Martin to join the civil service to bring honor to his family. Martin went to school in Mansfeld, Magdeburg, and Eisenach. In the year 1501, when Martin was seventeen, he went to the University of Erfurt. After one year of attending Erfurt, Martin Luther recieved his bachelors degree. Later, In 1505, he received his masters. Luther then enrolled in law school. In the same year, there was a thunderstorm and a lightening bolt struck next to him as he was going back to school. Martin was astonished and cried"Help, St. Anne! I'll become a monk!". Luther later dropped law school and entered a monastery.
Martin was very dedicated to fasting, flagellations, pilgrimages,constant confession and many long hours in prayer. later on, in 1517, Luther was ordained into priesthood. A year later he began teaching. Luther taught theology at the University of Wittenburg. The following year. luther received his Bachelor's degree in biblical studies on March 9th. In 1509 he also received his bachelor's degree in the sentences by Peter Lombard. Luther became a doctor of Theology on October 19th, 1512. After deeply studying scripture Luther began to teach that salvation is a gift from God.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Creationism vs. Evolution
Not only is Evolution vs. Creationism debated today but when Darwin created this theory many scientists disagreed and would fight against it. Evolutionists say that animals can change over time to adapt to their surroundings and believe fossils are their proof or evidence. How are these scientists really even sure if these fossils are of the same organism? Do they even
know how long it could take to "change" by simply looking at a fossil? I found a video where many different Evolutionists and Creationists debate over the theory. I remember hearing two Evolutionists say that fossils were very important and were the evidence for evolution. They later said that they weren't important and weren't needed! Why would these men change their minds? Now what evidence do they have? Another far fetched belief is that dogs are related to bananas, tigers come from whales, and much more, but none of it is ever said to be absolutely true.
Next, is the topic of Creationism. This belief is that everything was created by an "intelligent designer" otherwise known as God. They also believe that "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth", and no one and nothing else created it. I've also read that " the complexity of our planet points to a deliberate designer who not only created our universe , but sustains it today." No human being or animal has the ability to create such amazing thngs, neither can they fathom how to change their bodies to adapt to their surroundings.
Friday, October 30, 2009
The largest Religion in the world

Through out the world there is literally thousands of different Religions. The most practiced Religion is Christianity. Christians believe in Jesus Christ as the son of God and our savior/messiah.
Therefore, Jesus Christ of Nazareth is also said to be the founder of Christianity. Teachings and preachings of christian pastors, evangelists, and ministers are based on Jesus' messages. His messages were about turning away from your sins, practice deeds of good kindness, and God will love and forgive all who have repented ( asked forgiveness). Jesus travele
d through Galilee and Judea sharing his messages, helping people, and even healing the sick and feeding the hungry. Jesus also had twelve disciples who were his closest followers. They helped spread the word of Jesus to many different places and even more people became followers.
Followers and their locations
As a result of the twelve disciples and many other followers who spread the word of Jesus, today there is about two billion followers around the world. The locations of the followers are mainly in North America, Europe, and South America. In 2001 in there was about 160 followers in the
Holy books and Sacred Texts

First, the Holy Bible is the number one selling book in the world! It is also the sacred text for the Christians. The Bible consists of the Old Testament which consists of 39 books starting with Genesis and ending with Malachi. There is also the New Testament which consists of 27 books starting with Matthew and ending with the book of Revelation. The original Old Testa
ment was written in Hebrew with some Aramic. The New Testament was originally written in Greek. There is about 40 distinct authors that consist of powerful Kings, anointed Prophets, and other important leaders that were inspired by God. The Holy Bible is very sacred to the Christian people because it gives guidance through every situation and leads them to a great relationship with God!
Religious Holidays
In addition to the Holy texts, holidays are also important. Christmas is the most popular of these Holidays. Christams is held on De
cember 25th, gifts are given to family and friends, people go caroling, they decorate their house, and prepare the stockings and Egg nog. Some read about the birth of Jesus which is found in the book of Matthew. Another Holiday is Easter, the day of the ressurrection of Jesus which was three days after his crucifixion.

Rituals and Christian Customs
For example, many rituals and customs that Christians have are daily prayer, bible reading and study (devotion), praise and worship, speaking in tongues, helping others, and many more. Christians try their best to live holy lives and walk in the paths that God would want them to. They read their bible often for help and guidance. Christians also pray often in order to have a better relationship with God, fasting is also another custom. Although many religions practice fasting,Christians fast whenever they want or are asked to. Some people go on fasts in groups, they try to help one another because there is strength in numbers. Bible studies are also a custom. Before

inistires, and Youth ministires. There is also Rallys, Conferences, Retreats, Banquets, Youth camps, and many other fun activities!

Particular dress/clothing
Depending on the denomination one participates in the "dress c

Lastly, depending on the denomination of Christianity, the organization of the churches are different. for Catholics there are priests, bishops, cardinals, and popes. For Pentecostals there is the general superintendent, his assisstants, the general secretary-treasurer, and the general executive presbyters. There is also Distirct superintendents and the district presbyters. Then comes the pastors, evangelists, ministers, and teachers who control different groups. Every year there is board meetings were new leaders are elected.

( National youth Congress 2009)
( Illinois youth convention 2009)
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