Through out the world there is literally thousands of different Religions. The most practiced Religion is Christianity. Christians believe in Jesus Christ as the son of God and our savior/messiah.
Therefore, Jesus Christ of Nazareth is also said to be the founder of Christianity. Teachings and preachings of christian pastors, evangelists, and ministers are based on Jesus' messages. His messages were about turning away from your sins, practice deeds of good kindness, and God will love and forgive all who have repented ( asked forgiveness). Jesus travele
d through Galilee and Judea sharing his messages, helping people, and even healing the sick and feeding the hungry. Jesus also had twelve disciples who were his closest followers. They helped spread the word of Jesus to many different places and even more people became followers.
Followers and their locations
As a result of the twelve disciples and many other followers who spread the word of Jesus, today there is about two billion followers around the world. The locations of the followers are mainly in North America, Europe, and South America. In 2001 in there was about 160 followers in the
Holy books and Sacred Texts
First, the Holy Bible is the number one selling book in the world! It is also the sacred text for the Christians. The Bible consists of the Old Testament which consists of 39 books starting with Genesis and ending with Malachi. There is also the New Testament which consists of 27 books starting with Matthew and ending with the book of Revelation. The original Old Testa
ment was written in Hebrew with some Aramic. The New Testament was originally written in Greek. There is about 40 distinct authors that consist of powerful Kings, anointed Prophets, and other important leaders that were inspired by God. The Holy Bible is very sacred to the Christian people because it gives guidance through every situation and leads them to a great relationship with God!
Religious Holidays
In addition to the Holy texts, holidays are also important. Christmas is the most popular of these Holidays. Christams is held on December 25th, gifts are given to family and friends, people go caroling, they decorate their house, and prepare the stockings and Egg nog. Some read about the birth of Jesus which is found in the book of Matthew. Another Holiday is Easter, the day of the ressurrection of Jesus which was three days after his crucifixion.
Rituals and Christian Customs
For example, many rituals and customs that Christians have are daily prayer, bible reading and study (devotion), praise and worship, speaking in tongues, helping others, and many more. Christians try their best to live holy lives and walk in the paths that God would want them to. They read their bible often for help and guidance. Christians also pray often in order to have a better relationship with God, fasting is also another custom. Although many religions practice fasting,Christians fast whenever they want or are asked to. Some people go on fasts in groups, they try to help one another because there is strength in numbers. Bible studies are also a custom. Before
someone decides to get baptized they have to have a bible study, they learn about the plan of salvation and they learn about holiness. Christians usually attend church services on Sunday and sometimes another day in the week. Most churches have many different ministires such as men and ladies ministries, children's m
inistires, and Youth ministires. There is also Rallys, Conferences, Retreats, Banquets, Youth camps, and many other fun activities!
Particular dress/clothing
Depending on the denomination one participates in the "dress c
ode" may be different. For Catholic leadership the Popes wear robes of the month of the year. For the Pentecostals, women wear skirts and dresses and they don't cut their hair. Men can use oants and shorts depending on their rules and they keep their hair cut and proper. Pentecostlas believe in holiness so they choose to dress modestly.
Lastly, depending on the denomination of Christianity, the organization of the churches are different. for Catholics there are priests, bishops, cardinals, and popes. For Pentecostals there is the general superintendent, his assisstants, the general secretary-treasurer, and the general executive presbyters. There is also Distirct superintendents and the district presbyters. Then comes the pastors, evangelists, ministers, and teachers who control different groups. Every year there is board meetings were new leaders are elected.
( National youth Congress 2009)
( Illinois youth convention 2009)
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